Guide Dogs Name a Puppy - 1 Year Pupdate!

In March 2022, having helped us to raise just over £28,000 for our 2021/22 charity partner Guide Dogs Scotland, we were able to give you the chance to name a boy and girl Guide Dogs puppy!

The choices for the girl Guide Dog puppy were Belle, Macey and Nala, in which Nala sneaked the win with 40% of the vote.

For the boy Guide Dog puppy, you were given the choice of Digby, Monty and Kingsley, where Monty emerged victorious with 57% of the vote!

One year on from our 'Guide Dogs: Name a Puppy' campaign, we are delighted to share a 'Pupdate' of Nala and Monty from Guide Dogs Scotland! 

First up, Nala's One Year Pupdate:


Now for Monty's One Year Pupdate:


We're delighted to see both Nala and Monty happy and well, and would like to thank Guide Dogs for their regular updates and allowing us to be part of both Nala and Monty's lives!