Our New Charity Partners Revealed!

We are delighted to announce that we have chosen The Emma Cameron Foundation and The Glasgow Care Foundation as our new charity partners!

For the second year running, we have partnered with smaller, local charities who will benefit massively from the money that we are able to raise over our twelve months of fundraising.

The first of these charities is the Emma Cameron Foundation, a charity who provides support to the children’s cancer charities and organisations that helped Emma during her treatment and surgery for her osteosarcoma, before Emma sadly passed away on 1st April 2011.  

Our second charity partner, the Glasgow Care Foundation, is a charity who support some of the poorest families and individuals in Glasgow who cannot get help from any other source, by providing essential household goods and food supplies.

We are delighted to have partnered with these two great causes, and have already started our fundraising plans for the year; we kick off our year of fundraising with our 13th Annual Charity Golf Day at The Duke's Course in May!

Our Charity Dinner and Wine Tasting night will return after a three-year hiatus at the end of Summer 2023 at Glaschu; if you would be interested in finding more about the event then please email ross@mccreafs.co.uk for more details.

Future plans include the return of our Charity Race Night, and Douglas McCrea will of course undergo his Annual Charity Walk! 

Many others in the McCrea team plan to get involved in local challenges and events to support our two great charities, and we will update regularly on our plans via our website and social media pages.

To keep up to date with our charity plans, then follow us on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

If you'd like to support with our fundraising which would be massively appreciated, you can find donate on our Just Giving pages, for the Emma Cameron Foundation and for the Glasgow Care Foundation