Ryan Watt achieves Chartered Status as a Chartered Financial Planner!

We are delighted to announce that McCrea adviser Ryan Watt has passed his LP2 Financial Services Products and Solutions exam and therefore gained accreditation from the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) as a Chartered Financial Planner!

At McCrea we are committed to investing in the future of our team, so we’re delighted to be celebrating with Ryan as he gains accreditation from the (CII) as a Chartered Financial Planner.

We're very proud of Ryan for all his hard work, having passed 5 exams in the last 7 months. 

The CII confer Chartered status to ‘individual professionals and firms who display eminence in their field,’ with excellent standards of qualification, ethics, business practice and professional development. Ryan joins McCrea colleagues Michael Macadam, Jimmy Mitchell, Jonathan Campbell, Chris Bain and Graeme Melrose in being granted Chartered status. 

''I’m absolutely delighted that all the hard work I have put into my studies since joining the team has paid off and that I have now achieved Chartered Financial Planner status'' Ryan said. 

''A big reason I joined McCrea was the company’s reputation for investing in its team members and helping them to develop professionally. I can really say I’ve felt the benefit of this and am now looking forward to carrying on delivering excellent outcomes for our clients.''

''As a Chartered firm, our clients have the peace of mind in knowing that their adviser, and the wider team, are committed and dedicated to upholding a really high standard of work, backed up with solid financial industry knowledge.''

Looking to secure your financial future? Why not get in touch for a free no-obligation chat with one of our award-winning team!